Lightbox Exhibition Design

As a Principal Sponsor of the Lightbox Expo, in Pasadena California, Procreate created a range of printed material for both the interior and exterior of the event. I was briefed to design a suite of banners that would be hung around the outside of the exhibition hall, and to showcase Procreate commissioned artworks, house the Procreate wordmark & Lightbox Expo logo, as well as our tagline, “Sketch. Paint. Create.”

As well as advertising the Procreate brand as Principal Sponsor, the banners created a sense of arrival and excitement for the thousands of attendees over the four day conference.

Business Outcomes

Lightbox Exhibition attracts up to 3000 visitors per day across the four-day event. As Principal Sponsor, Procreate has the main booth, and uses this as one of our main advertising opportunities annually.
This is a major opprortunity for us to build community, brand awareness and allow visitors to try Procreate for themselves.

Design Director Tom Everingham
Designer & Finished Artist Shannon King
Photography Mark Kuilenberg & Zeth Green